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Social research proceeds in a sequence of steps, although various approaches to research suggest slightly different steps. Most studies follow the seven steps discussed here. To begin the process, you select a topic-a general area of study or issue, such as domestic abuse, homelessness, or powerful corporate elites. A topic is too broad for conducting a study. This makes the next step crucial. You must then narrow down the topic, or focus the topic into a specific research question for a study (e.g., "Are people who marry younger more likely to engage in physical abuse of a spouse under conditions of high stress than those who marry older?"). As you learn about a topic and narrow the focus, you should review past research, or the literature, on a topic or question. You also want to develop a possible answer, or hypothesis, and theory can be important at this stage.

After specifying a research question, you have to develop a highly detailedplan on how you will carry-6·lit the study. Th.iS third step requires that you รับทำวิทยานิพนธ์many practical detailsgfsl,ojpgJheJesearch (e.g., whether to use a surveyor qualitative observing in the field, how many subjects to use, etc.). It is only after completing the design stage that you are ready to gather the data or evidence (e.g., ask people the questions, record answers, etc.). Once you have verycarefullycollectedthe data,your next stepis to manipulate or analyze the data. This will help you see any patterns in it and help you to give meaning to or interpret the data (e.g., "People who marry young and grew up in families with abuse have higher rates of physical domestic abuse than those with different family histories"). Finally,you must inform others by writing a report that describes the study's background, how you conducted it, and what you discovered

The seven-step process shown in Figure  is oversimplified. In practice, you will rarely complete one step totally then leave it behind to move to the next step. Rather, the process is interactive in which the steps blend into each other. What you do in a later step may stimulate you to reconsider and slightlyadjust your thinking in a previous one. The process is not strictly linear and mayflowbackand forth before reaching an end. The seven steps are for one research project; it is one cycleof going through the steps inasinglestudyon aspecifictopic.
Science is an ongoing enterprise that builds on prior research and builds a larger, collectively created body of knowledge. Anyone study is a smallpartofthe much largerwholeofscience.A single researcher may be working on multiple research projects at once, or several researchers may collaborate on one project. Likewise, one project may result in one scholarly article or several, and sometimes several smaller projects are reported in a single article.